Eldred Thomas

The sole purpose of this website is to honor God and His Word with the message He gave to a dear brother in the Lord, Eldred Thomas--To disseminate the Truths God shared with him during his lifetime of study on the various Bible Versions in particular the Authorized Version—King James Bible in the English language.
His book, “Bible Versions” and the twelve programs made to test the true character of your Bible, are offered to help inform and educate Bible students to a more perfect understanding of the veracity of God’s Word today!
These programs are also available on DVD as a set or individually. The book, “Bible Versions”, as well as his homemade music CD, “Christ is All” are also available for a donation to this project. All proceeds will go to maintain and expand this website and to stock and send his materials.
“The Tribulation,” his last book is also available. Brother Thomas always said his material are copyright, that mean “you have the right to copy!” So feel free to share this work and ministry with whosoever and howsoever to the Glory of God that God’s Word may “not be bound” but abound and “cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.” Habakkuk 2:14
If you have any suggestions or comments, or need further information please send them to [email protected]. If you have a testimony or story concerning Brother Thomas you would like to share with viewers we would be glad to receive it. Thank You!
“Brother, Brother…..” Amen!
Be Blessed!
His book, “Bible Versions” and the twelve programs made to test the true character of your Bible, are offered to help inform and educate Bible students to a more perfect understanding of the veracity of God’s Word today!
These programs are also available on DVD as a set or individually. The book, “Bible Versions”, as well as his homemade music CD, “Christ is All” are also available for a donation to this project. All proceeds will go to maintain and expand this website and to stock and send his materials.
“The Tribulation,” his last book is also available. Brother Thomas always said his material are copyright, that mean “you have the right to copy!” So feel free to share this work and ministry with whosoever and howsoever to the Glory of God that God’s Word may “not be bound” but abound and “cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.” Habakkuk 2:14
If you have any suggestions or comments, or need further information please send them to [email protected]. If you have a testimony or story concerning Brother Thomas you would like to share with viewers we would be glad to receive it. Thank You!
“Brother, Brother…..” Amen!
Be Blessed!